Sunday, April 7, 2019
After 7 weeks of lots of hard work we are finally done!! Thank you for sticking around for this journey, this was truly an unforgettable experience. I really got first hand experience to see how much work really goes into these films and to appreciate them more. I am very proud of my group and myself for all this hard work, it really paid off! I'm so proud of how our film opening came out, I hope you enjoy!
Saturday, April 6, 2019
In my creative critical reflection I truly go back in these 7 weeks of working on this project to show all the thought I really put into this. I hope you enjoy my CCR & my final product is coming soon!!
Friday, April 5, 2019
Key moments
Hello! Today I would like to really share the key moments we have had throughout this journey. The most important moment we had I think was when I came up with cannibalism idea because it was finally something we could all agree on and from there we got very excited to do this project. Another key moment was when we had our first day we thought we were going to shoot we realized how difficult it was going to be to get the lighting just right. We spent that day about 3 hours just adjusting the lights in different way but this was important for us to learn and made the other days of filming much easier. We also found ourselves at times having to change to work with what we have for example my original shot idea for the ripping out the heart did not work because we didn't have the equipment to stabilize the camera while getting that movement. That is why we had to use the shadow for that shot but I still like how it came out. For the pan of the jars with organs we were able to get creative by using the scooter to stabilize the camera as I push it and Gabbie focuses the camera. Lastly the biggest change we had to make at the end was of him eating the heart instead of the picture shot. We had to do this because when I showed people around me what I had done so far it wasn't clear he was a cannibal but I'm glad we caught that then!
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
last minute shots!!
HII!! We were putting our film together and we began to realize it wasn't so clear that our character was a cannibal so we began to freak out a little! but that same day we figured out how make the audience imply that he is heating the heart. That same night we got together and finished those final shots!!
Thursday, March 28, 2019
The following morning...
After having that very long night of filming we woke up the next day and met at my house at around 10am. My houses had to two things we needed for some of our last shots: a fridge in the garage and a kitchen fridge with lots of sun in the morning. So the fridge in the garage was when the man is putting the heart away but we had one major inconvenience again... none of our male actors were available.... Again we worked with what we had because that is all we could do, so I picked up my hair, changed into all black and began shooting. We blacked out the entire garage so you could only use the light inside the fridge and we placed the camera inside and just did trial and error. we tried many different angles and shots to see how the camera would focus better. I don't know how I feel about this shot, I feel we should get one of our male actors and do it again as I feel its obvious its a girl but I don't know if I think that because I know its me. We will see how it looks one its put together and I'm going to ask different people to see what they say. Then we shot the last scene which would be the beginning of the film where the girl is alive. I went to completely change my outfit to wear a bright pink girly shirt as that's what I want the audience to perceive her as creating a juxtaposition with what happens in the film. When she is killed and getting her heart ripped out she is also wearing a yellow shirt as this represents optimism and pink represents feminine . This following shot was also inside the fridge but was easier to get the focus right with all the light. We did different shots adding props and costume design. Just as the red bloody heart was put in the fridge to continue with the red theme she takes out a big red bowl out of the fridge. Also we did a could shots with my dog to have more options while editing as he will make the mood lighter. This day of filming was much much shorter as we were very sleepy but we wanted to finish that so we could edit a good part of it. We are just missing about 3 shots which we are planning on doing it Monday.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Fliming part 2
Yesterday we got together and now we really started filming the more difficult and messy shots. we had to change our male actor as the first one we had was busy but we made sure they were wearing the same thing and since everything had tighter shots it turned out ok. I think the hardest things was the scene of him taking her heart out as we didn't want to graphically show that but at the same time make it clear to the audience what he is doing. My original shot idea which is in the storyboard for getting closer and then up was very difficult to do as we had nothing to make the camera stable. So instead we decided to make a clear shadow and simply film the shadow. This certainly wasn't ideal but we worked what we had and it came out well. The other biggest challenge we faced was the lighting, we were just using lots of flashlights as our lighting so we had to keep moving the lights around for the camera to capture the image. Overall this filming day was very successful but very very messy. The fake blood got absolutely everywhere!! When they poured all that blood on me it created a huge puddle me and it was super cold! then after when I went to change the blood had bleed through the shirt and was all over my back!!!! Thankfully I came off with simply a wet paper towel but it still took a while to clean it all up. We started filming around 9 and finished at around 2 am, we knew we were going to do this because we knew we wanted to take advantage of the night time. We finished about 80% of our shots and I was really happy with how they came out. Below are a few pics from our filming day part 2.

Saturday, March 23, 2019
We weren't able to film anymore that week as I worked the entire week and Gabbie and our actor had things to do but we decided to set certain dates ahead to time so we can all plan ahead. We hope to do all the filming the 28th and the 29th of March. Now that we have a game plan we can do it much easier and get to the actual filming faster. We also divided certain things for each person to do like we need more fake organs to put in the jars so we each have to make 2 organs. Gabbie is going to make eyes and fingers, Thabata is going to make thee liver and the spleen, and I am going to make the kidney and intestines. Thabata is going to bring all the jars as well and I'm going to bring more flash lights and tissue paper we can wrap it around. I'm also going to either buy a disposable camera or take them on my phone and print them in office depot of different people that he 'kidnapped' for the scene where he has all the pictures hanging. Then I need to go to goodwill, a thrift shop, to buy clothes that can be stained and throw away but can still follow my costume design of feminine and delicate. Lastly I'm going to ask Thabata to buy another plastic table cloth for the table where he buts the heart not to get stained. There is a lot to do but the good thing is we have spring break right now so I have lots of time also when we are filming we can stay until late at night because we don't have to wake up early the next day. I will keep you updated on what I'm able to get this week!
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Blood & Heart
The making of the blood and heart was a it tricky for different reasons. For the blood we had so many different recipes and it was hard to decide which one would come out better. We ended up doing one with lots of different things in it like coco powder, chocolate syrup, and corn starch.

Once we mixed it all together the color of the blood came out spot on but it came out a bit thick for what we needed. since we didn't end up using it that day we left it out to see what would happen for next time we film, if anything I feel that if we add water it will get a bit thinner.
This is how our blood came out.
Then for the heart we had a different complication at first that was not easy to fix. The directions to make the heart says to leave it in the freezer for 45 minutes and it will be ready. We put a timer for 45 minutes and when we went to check it hadn't gotten its form. We added more time and nothing. Until like 4 hours later it still hadn't gotten its shape. This is when we began to get a little nervous of what we were going to do or if we were going to have to find a new recipe. We left the heart in the freezer over night and the next morning Gabbie sent us this
The heart finally got a form and was looking really good!! We really didn't need it perfect as the scenes are going to be dark so this is exactly what we needed! I'm super happy both the blood and the heart worked out and are ready for our next day of filming!
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Yesterday we finally had our first day of filming but it could have used a little bit more planning and time. Since our scenes need to be at night we had to wait until around 7 or 8 to start filming. Before we can even get together to start filming I got an extremely bad headache and couldn't get up:( I got there a bit later trying to recover but it worked out fine because my partners had begun making the blood and heart. I'll leave the heart and blood for a different post, but here I want to tell you about what happened when we were actually filming. First we decided we weren't going to put blood nor use the heart until we see all the shots and lighting works, I'm very glad we did this. First we would have used more lights as it didn't look nice on camera. We were using a big flashlight, a lantern and our phone flashlights.

This day worked a lot more as a learning day of what worked and didn't worked. We used a tripod and a skateboard to be able to do the pans which worked very nicely. We left everything how it was so it will be easier when we start filming again and we are going to add some lights, I'm thinking red. We got about 2 shots done yesterday but we learned a lot so it worked out.
Monday, March 18, 2019
Buying Stuffff!!
Today after school I went to buy a few things we need to be able to film tomorrow! So I though that Party City had Halloween things year round with stuff like fake blood and masks, but turns out I was wrong! I walked in to Party City and all I see is Spring and Easter decorations:( I walked around for a while for a while and we found this mask

I asked in our group chat what they thought of the mask, we established it definitely wasn't the ideal mask we were hoping for. But this go the job done as it still looks mysterious and the red connects with the psychology of color as the color red often associated with death., so I got the mask. Also got a plastic table covering so that we don't stain anything with the fake blood. The only thing we are missing to buy now is the glycerin, food coloring and lots of corn starch but I'm going to ask someone in my group to buy it or I'll go get it tomorrow because I didn't feel very well. Last finishing details so we can really start filming tomorrow, I'm excited!!
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Low-key Lighting
I've also been researching a little bit on how to create low key lighting to be able to make our scenes suspenseful. I was reading an article which presented a good idea called “The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Shooting Low Key” by Josh Johnson. For an affordable way to make the low key lighting is in the room we are filming in to make it dark and then the room or hallway connected to this room turn on all the lights to give it this low key lighting (picture below). We will be filming in a garage so in the hallway leading to the garage we can play around with this lighting to see how it looks on camera.
In another article called “How Low-Key Lighting Can Instantly Make Your Film Dramatic” by Caleb Ward, it says not to over complicate the lights so much, it's easier than you think. If something seems wrong try turning off some lights. It gives an example of a possible set up (below)
Also explains a few things one should take into consideration. First thing it mentions investing in good lights but for this case i think we will have to work with what we have. Then it says to have fast lens nearby as these are good to use in low key lighting. I will ask Gabbie to make sure to bring this as she is the one with the camera. Next it explains about monitoring the levels of the camera, how much light is coming in or isn't, how the pixels look and that the subject is overexposed or underexposed. Lastly it explains the use of negative fills, meaning that using a black backdrop or absorb the light. This will allow you to control the light better and assure the focus is on the subject.
Making the title
Hii! So I've been planing with a couple different fonts to see what we would want for our title and our credits. We want the title to be called “Blind Date” but then the word “blind” would be crossed out and under it would say “blood”. Below are a few samples i have
My favorite ones are the first and the last one, the last things we would be missing on this is to make the title look more bloody. We were thinking of putting blood dripping around it but I wasn't able to do this, so I'm going to ask Gabbie if she knows how because she uses lots of photoshop. I’ll get back to you about this soon!!
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Group Meetings
Welcome back!! This week has been completely chaos so I hadn't really had anytime to meet with my group:( I've had different work and club meetings and conferences all week, but I now I'm back!! So today in class we again shared with other groups our ideas and what we have done so far. I feel I got a similar reaction from last time, everyone was very surprised about the cannibalism idea but i explained that it was something completely out of ordinary. But one of girls i was talking to called Alexis gave me a good idea! She said for when the girl is dead on the group, to be able to look realistic and be able to put blood on her without worrying about staining the floor is by getting a clear trap that painters use. This will be very useful for making the scene look more realistic. They also recommend that we try out the heart before we film. That was all the ideas and advice I really got! Talk to you soon
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Creating Suspense!
It is a new week and I decided to start this week off with a some more research. My group and I know that to make this film opening effective we need to create lots of suspense but we really haven't mentioned for researched well how we are going to do this. So since we are begin filming very soon i decided to get ahead start on this. On a blog post by Liya Swift she explains 5 main aspects to focus on to create suspense: Use music, build emotion, make an extreme decisions, use your space, and take your time. Music is the most basic and easiest way to make a scene suspenseful with simple and nail-biting music in the background. We have already begun to look into this and have a few possible tacks saved. Then to build emotion you can use the emotions the actors are giving you. This can also be done with lots of close ups and rhythm to show the emotion in the scene. Throughout the scenes we have so far we have many close ups so this is good we don't need to make any significant changes. Next she explains about making an extreme decision such as filming the entire thing from the back of the head of someone or one wide angle shot the entire time. This will keep the audience thinking the entire time what is happening and why? I like this idea especially the wide angle one but I will be a challenge as id if we have a wide lens. Utilize your space is an important aspect as well but we will need to set this up and see the amount of room we have when we get there so we have ideas but that's it. Although we need to be sure we assure everything in the frame is organized and have meaning behind it. Lastly take your time, make sure the shots aren't rushed, allow the actors make the movements slightly slower, and follow the internal rhythm and music. This is going to be one we need to focus on because we don't want to rush it but we have a time limit and want to but a lot of shots in this time. Many of these aspects I didn't consider but then thinking about them they will all play a crucial role in creating suspense in our film opening.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
First filming day set!
We have finally been bale to set our very first filming day!! this is very exciting as we fell slightly behind but we hope to get a lot done this day to get back on track. Saturday night we hope to get all the shots we have up to now done but this will entail a bot of preparation. I need to make sure I have the fake heart ready by then. We also need to go out and buy the fake blood and other organs. I would have liked to get together sometime during the week to work but it would be hard as we wouldn't have much time because it is getting darker later so we would have a very limited amount of time to film since its a school night. For this coming week the plan is to finish up the story board in class, create a props list and go out and buy the things. So excited to see how this all starts to come together!!
I have been researching a little about cannibalism as in all honesty I don't know too much about it. On a Psychology Today website it says that the are usually extreme loners and are bitter about this. So that is why they kill people and keep them to eat like that they never feel alone. It even goes on to say that it even sexually excites them to take the meat off the person. Cannibals usually don't look for something in a person it is more of a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and usually proud of their actions and have no shame in what they have done. Then I went on to research what leads a person to cannibalism I found there is not concrete answer but several theories. Clancy McKenzie, a psychology professor at Capital University in Washington, D.C. believes that cannibalism is a result of trauma, especially that experienced in childhood. On the other hand others believe that children who are excessively dependent on their mothers, due to maternal over nurturing, are more likely to experience oral aggression and frustration due to separation. The list of theories goes on and on but one thing I found in common is all of them include some type of trauma. This research wasn't too in depth but there weren't any symptoms or signs of cannibalism I was able to find today. Hopefully I have to opportunity to go more in depth another time, but I still learned some good facts.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Fake Heart
As the day that we begin filming gets closer closer we are trying to finish figuring out how we are going to do the props as we are going to need a significant amount. So i took it upon myself to research a little bit how we are going to make the fake heart.
- Glycerine
- Powder gelatin
- Water
- Fake blood
- Popsicles sticks
- Microwaveable container
- Paper towels
- Measuring cups
- Seran wrap
- Cup
- Bowl
- Inside the container put ½ a cup of gelatin powder, ½ a cup of glycerine, and ¾ cup of water.
- Mix thoroughly with popsicles sticks then put in microwave for 12 seconds at a time until it feels warm. Do not place it for more then, 12 seconds at a time as we don’t want it to boil. Keep warming it up until it is completely liquefied.
- Set a sheet of seran wrap on the biggest measuring cup and then pour liquid inside. A heart is about the size of your fist so that's about how much you should pour in.
- Take your cup and stuff a few paper towels and stuff them inside creating a strange shape as this is where the heart will sit in. Then pick up the gelatin in the seran wrap and twist it close.
- Sit the gelatin in the cup around the paper towels and keep moving it around until you like the shape of it. Then place it in the freezer for about 45 minutes or until it is solid.
- Since it is now frozen you can and wrap it out of the seran wrap. Tip: do not take any of the extra piece hanging off as they can be different arteries and veins to make it look a lot more realistic.
- Place the heart into the bowl and pour lots of fake blood on it. Keep rolling it around until it is completely covered in blood.
- That's it you have your fake heart! Below are a few pictures of how it is supposed to look like.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Storyboard, Storyboard, and more Storyboard!!
Hii!! Welcome back sorry I haven't updated anything in a while I have been very busy:(( My group wanted to be a bit more ahead at this point but we decided we really want to take our time on the storyboard. We had a slight change of plans in our plot, we decided to take away the stalker aspect and just keep him as a cannibal. This was decided because we felt the stalker idea might be a bit overused and get boring. One of my favorite scenes we have come up with is there will be lots of pictures of people that will be when they are already kidnapped by him with a towel tied in their mouth, and each of the pictures will have a red X over it except one of the girls. Then another good idea we came up with was when he is putting the heart away we do a close up of his hand opening the fridge then the camera will be in the fridge, he closes the fridge then the title comes up. When the fridge opens again it will be at the beginning of the plot and it will be high key lighting and a bright happy environment. I’m genuinely very excited to see how these shots come out as I feel they were very creative.

Sunday, March 3, 2019
Group Discussion
On Friday in class my group and I had the opportunity to break a apart and present our project to other people in the class as well as hearing their ideas. I haven’t had the chance a chance to speak with my other partners about the feedback they received but I'll update you on that on a later date. For now I'll tell you the feedback I got from my peers which for the most part was positive. I told them about the entire brainstorming process and the storyboard explaining why all those shots. They all told me the idea was very original and they weren't expecting that as people don't see many movies about cannibals in the film industry. Some advice they did give me was that in the beginning when the girl is dead we should make sure the camera can see her face so that in the following scene when it's the beginning of the plot that audience will understand what happened. This was a good recommendation as we were debating if we should show her face in the opening scene. We also discussed for a while about the part where he is ripping her heart out but we still couldn't really find a way to make it look realistic. So we came to the conclusion that we should keep the shots we had for that part but to make sure the heart looks very realistic by using some slime with fake blood. Then they told me another good point, for this scene with all the blood and organs we need to go in with a plan and already know how we are going to make everything as it is going to be long and messy so it will be hard to keep everything the same the following day. Out of this group discussion really gave me confidence for our idea and reminded me that my group and i have a lot of research to do to try to make it look as realistic as possible. I'll update you on what my group says soon, bye!
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Srarting Storyboard
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Slow getting there...
I mentioned previously that my group and I were going to get together yesterday, but unfortunately we were not able to because I had a last minute inconvenience so we moved it to this afternoon. Although we weren’t able to meet out of school yesterday Gabbie and I were able to talk about the plot a bit further and what the opening we consist of. I still didn't feel we were completely clear on the plot after our last conversation. While I was still insisting one how we can make it original and unique, I didn't want to do the classic werewolf or vampire. Then I came up with the idea to make the Man a cannibal and is trying to capture the girl to kill and eat her. I liked this idea because I have never seen many films about cannibals and I think it will be a challenge and fun to find props and finding a way to make it look as realistic as possible.
Then we moved on to further discuss how to set up the film opening because I went to watch parts of Quantico again to review how they used this technique. I realized I made a mistake as I thought it started at the end of the climax or in the beginning of the falling action but no it really does start on opposite sides. Meaning the film opening should start with the very end of them film and then after we present the title is would be the beginning of the plot. As of now we are thinking of starting with the man cleaning up the scene of killing and eating the girl and showing him put away her organs to begin to tell the audience about one of the main character. Following that scene we would present the title of the film which, we still need to come up with, then it would be day time and the beginning of the plot again.
Today my group and I are going to meet at Starbucks and our goal is to finish or do most of the storyboard. I will update tomorrow hopefully with my our storyboard done!
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Deciding Genre and Plot
Yesterday in class my group and I finally sat down to discuss and brainstorm what we want to do with our film opening. First we said we need to determine what genre we want to do, which in my opinion was one of the most difficult decisions. Thabata mentioned that was should do horror but what worried me about this is it would come out too cliché which is what I want to stay away from. I truly want to try to do something different, original, and unique. I mentioned my concern to them and both agreed so we brainstormed a couple ideas back and forth of how we can pull off a horror story without making it cliché but this wasn't easy. We came across the idea of combining a Purge and the series You and putting our own spin of the story. So we want to do a Purge them keeping the masked theme and killing but the story will be with a male stalking a female. The genre we feel this would fall under is horror drama film. Today we are going to get together at Starbucks to finish deciding the last details of the plot and hopefully begin the storyboard.
We also came up with a few ideas of how to organize our film opening. Like I brought up the idea that we can use a feature also used in Quantico which is to show opposite end of the plot. The first scene we would present would toward the end of the plot near the falling action for example it could be when the girl is already killed or captured then it cuts into the title of the film, then the following scene would be day time and it would be the beginning of the plot. I thought this idea would be good because it creates a lot of suspense, the audience would want to continue watching and it is a unique approach to the film opening. This would continue going back and forth and we would be made clear to the audience that it is going back and forth by using different filter. We also want to insert the credits in different areas where is she hiding by using strategic camera angles to get negative space to put it in. I will update again tomorrow when I get together with my group again and hopefully have most of the storyboard done by then.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Brainstorming & Planning
After many months of studying and learning about different types of media it is finally time to begin out final project. The entire year I have been looking forward to this project as I’ve had some ideas of what my group and I could do. But obviously the first step to any planning process would be to decide what we are doing. Tomorrow the three of us are going to sit down and compare all of the different ideas we have brainstormed. This will be no easy process has it is a big decisions and we don't want to be changing our idea half way through the project. So hopefully by tomorrow or the following day we have a concrete idea of what we are doing. My goal is to have the entire or the majority of the storyboard done by Saturday so we can get to filing right away.
Most of the ideas I have found myself brainstorming are films about breaking a representation in film. I am female Colombian and have been insulted and stereotyped time and time again. I want to make things clear that not just because one person from a country does something doesn't mean we all do that. I am Colombian and I've never done a drug in my life nor have I gotten surgery and my parents are not maids or thugs. But yet I play soccer and have had a passion for it since a young age and since i was small people would say “that is a men's sport” or “girls don’t play soccer, its too rough”. Furthermore in this final project I’m doing I would want to break representation in media may it be Hispanic, African American, or Muslim.
The main message I want to have in all of the ideas for this project is- don’t listen what society or anyone says just listen to your heart and what makes you happy. One of my favorite ideas is to do it about a Colombian girl from a wealthy family that want to tell her how to live but she refuses. She goes her own way to be independent and playing soccer and working to keep her little apartment and food on the table. I would want to show how she makes it out all on her own and how she can be independent doing things that are “traditionally” female roles. The most challenging part of all of this is how to show all of my ideas in just the opening of the show. This is an obstacle my group and i will overcome as we are going to have to learn for to use every second very wisely. I’m very excited to meet with my group tomorrow to brainstorm ideas and see what we come up with.
Drama Genre Research
Drama is a genre the attempts to generate emotion and relational development of these realistic characters. There are many sub genres within drama so its characteristics such as character development, and storytelling method. The four main sub genres in drama are: tragedy, comedy, melodrama, and tragicomedy. This genre was traditionally intended to be performed out on a stage live so a drama brings a story to life right before your eyes, may it be live or on a screen. The story is told with a series of dialogue and actions as well as different settings and scenery. Moreover all dramas bring these 5 characteristics: idea/plot, characters, language, music, performance. With all of these characteristics it reflects human behavior in form of a story through acting and in some cases dancing. When people hear a film is a drama they tend to associate it with words such as impactful, real and attractive.
Even though there are so many different sub genres in drama most of them still have similar production techniques. For example the lighting, music, special effect, and sound all have a big importance in drama as this is used to develop the understanding of the atmosphere, the character, theme and conflict. Another technique used often to make an action seem more dramatic is putting it in slow motion. Many dramas also play with the dialogue by either adding a narrator, using an ‘aside’, or soliloquy. An ‘aside’ is when the directly addresses the audience during the film. A soliloquy is when one character speaks to give insight of what he/she is thinking.It is also seen used frequently in dramas that they use music to underscore the drama. Also the great majority of dramas use basic symbols as a lab coat which means medicine or science, a dove to represent peace, and torn wedding pictures to show a divorced couple.
Marketing these big name drama films they need to go through many different marketing strategies. For almost all of the film has a trailer that highlights all the best part or most dramatic parts of the film. Also there is usually more than one trailer and it is played on social media such as youtube. Once the film comes out and continues to grow many times these companies begin to make posters for fans to buy.
The film “Boyhood” which is a drama directed by Richard Linklater was released in July 11, 2014 and follows many characteristics of a drama. This film you grow up in the eyes of this boy named Mason for 12 years. It takes you through all the real moments in life, may it good or bad. It takes you on a ride through the ups and downs of this boys life and the audience can relate to this as they were a child once as well. It also uses music to underscore the drama and throughout the film you can hear is “Yellow to Arcade Fire’s Deep Blue” by Coldplay.Lastly throughout the film you can find symbols that show family and growth.
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