Srarting Storyboard
Hi, welcome back!!On Thursday Tabatha Gabbie and I were able to meet after schools and get a significant amount of work done. We began our story board and I really like how it’s coming out. Some of the shots we had to get creative on just so we can make sure it looks realistic, for example with shot 6 and 7. We wanted to make a scene where he is taking her heart out creating a symbolism that the audience would understand later. The symbolism would something along the line of her breaking his heart so he is going to rip her heart out. So Tabatha said we should do a shot for him pulling the heart out but what worried me is that it wouldn’t look as realistic. Then I came up with the idea I’m very excited of how it will look. At this point the camera is at a low angle shot with the girl on the floor dead and him looking over her, the camera begins to get closer and as he puts his hand into her chest the camera begins to move closer to them and up until you can’t see either of them anymore. Then he will come up from the bottom of the screen holding the heart and it will again be a low angle of him holding the heart so the heart will be the focus of attention. I came up with this idea and I really liked it but we need to make sure we find a way to make the heart look as realistic as possible, this will be the most challenging part. Also we found possible areas we can put the credits so they incorporate with the scene. Like the shot of his feet going down the step the name can be on the floor a when he steps on the name it disappears. In the last part of the meeting Gabbie gave a good suggestion for a movie title, she said to have it say blind date but then the ‘blind’ is crossed out and it says blood in a bloody red font. I also liked this idea a lot it thought it was a creative idea. That is where we stand as of now, we hope to finish the story board this week as a fell a bit behind planned and start filming in a week. I will keep you update on our progress!!

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