On Friday in class my group and I had the opportunity to break a apart and present our project to other people in the class as well as hearing their ideas. I haven’t had the chance a chance to speak with my other partners about the feedback they received but I'll update you on that on a later date. For now I'll tell you the feedback I got from my peers which for the most part was positive. I told them about the entire brainstorming process and the storyboard explaining why all those shots. They all told me the idea was very original and they weren't expecting that as people don't see many movies about cannibals in the film industry. Some advice they did give me was that in the beginning when the girl is dead we should make sure the camera can see her face so that in the following scene when it's the beginning of the plot that audience will understand what happened. This was a good recommendation as we were debating if we should show her face in the opening scene. We also discussed for a while about the part where he is ripping her heart out but we still couldn't really find a way to make it look realistic. So we came to the conclusion that we should keep the shots we had for that part but to make sure the heart looks very realistic by using some slime with fake blood. Then they told me another good point, for this scene with all the blood and organs we need to go in with a plan and already know how we are going to make everything as it is going to be long and messy so it will be hard to keep everything the same the following day. Out of this group discussion really gave me confidence for our idea and reminded me that my group and i have a lot of research to do to try to make it look as realistic as possible. I'll update you on what my group says soon, bye!
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