Media Studies Portfolio
Sunday, April 7, 2019
After 7 weeks of lots of hard work we are finally done!! Thank you for sticking around for this journey, this was truly an unforgettable experience. I really got first hand experience to see how much work really goes into these films and to appreciate them more. I am very proud of my group and myself for all this hard work, it really paid off! I'm so proud of how our film opening came out, I hope you enjoy!
Saturday, April 6, 2019
In my creative critical reflection I truly go back in these 7 weeks of working on this project to show all the thought I really put into this. I hope you enjoy my CCR & my final product is coming soon!!
Friday, April 5, 2019
Key moments
Hello! Today I would like to really share the key moments we have had throughout this journey. The most important moment we had I think was when I came up with cannibalism idea because it was finally something we could all agree on and from there we got very excited to do this project. Another key moment was when we had our first day we thought we were going to shoot we realized how difficult it was going to be to get the lighting just right. We spent that day about 3 hours just adjusting the lights in different way but this was important for us to learn and made the other days of filming much easier. We also found ourselves at times having to change to work with what we have for example my original shot idea for the ripping out the heart did not work because we didn't have the equipment to stabilize the camera while getting that movement. That is why we had to use the shadow for that shot but I still like how it came out. For the pan of the jars with organs we were able to get creative by using the scooter to stabilize the camera as I push it and Gabbie focuses the camera. Lastly the biggest change we had to make at the end was of him eating the heart instead of the picture shot. We had to do this because when I showed people around me what I had done so far it wasn't clear he was a cannibal but I'm glad we caught that then!
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
last minute shots!!
HII!! We were putting our film together and we began to realize it wasn't so clear that our character was a cannibal so we began to freak out a little! but that same day we figured out how make the audience imply that he is heating the heart. That same night we got together and finished those final shots!!
Thursday, March 28, 2019
The following morning...
After having that very long night of filming we woke up the next day and met at my house at around 10am. My houses had to two things we needed for some of our last shots: a fridge in the garage and a kitchen fridge with lots of sun in the morning. So the fridge in the garage was when the man is putting the heart away but we had one major inconvenience again... none of our male actors were available.... Again we worked with what we had because that is all we could do, so I picked up my hair, changed into all black and began shooting. We blacked out the entire garage so you could only use the light inside the fridge and we placed the camera inside and just did trial and error. we tried many different angles and shots to see how the camera would focus better. I don't know how I feel about this shot, I feel we should get one of our male actors and do it again as I feel its obvious its a girl but I don't know if I think that because I know its me. We will see how it looks one its put together and I'm going to ask different people to see what they say. Then we shot the last scene which would be the beginning of the film where the girl is alive. I went to completely change my outfit to wear a bright pink girly shirt as that's what I want the audience to perceive her as creating a juxtaposition with what happens in the film. When she is killed and getting her heart ripped out she is also wearing a yellow shirt as this represents optimism and pink represents feminine . This following shot was also inside the fridge but was easier to get the focus right with all the light. We did different shots adding props and costume design. Just as the red bloody heart was put in the fridge to continue with the red theme she takes out a big red bowl out of the fridge. Also we did a could shots with my dog to have more options while editing as he will make the mood lighter. This day of filming was much much shorter as we were very sleepy but we wanted to finish that so we could edit a good part of it. We are just missing about 3 shots which we are planning on doing it Monday.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Fliming part 2
Yesterday we got together and now we really started filming the more difficult and messy shots. we had to change our male actor as the first one we had was busy but we made sure they were wearing the same thing and since everything had tighter shots it turned out ok. I think the hardest things was the scene of him taking her heart out as we didn't want to graphically show that but at the same time make it clear to the audience what he is doing. My original shot idea which is in the storyboard for getting closer and then up was very difficult to do as we had nothing to make the camera stable. So instead we decided to make a clear shadow and simply film the shadow. This certainly wasn't ideal but we worked what we had and it came out well. The other biggest challenge we faced was the lighting, we were just using lots of flashlights as our lighting so we had to keep moving the lights around for the camera to capture the image. Overall this filming day was very successful but very very messy. The fake blood got absolutely everywhere!! When they poured all that blood on me it created a huge puddle me and it was super cold! then after when I went to change the blood had bleed through the shirt and was all over my back!!!! Thankfully I came off with simply a wet paper towel but it still took a while to clean it all up. We started filming around 9 and finished at around 2 am, we knew we were going to do this because we knew we wanted to take advantage of the night time. We finished about 80% of our shots and I was really happy with how they came out. Below are a few pics from our filming day part 2.

Saturday, March 23, 2019
We weren't able to film anymore that week as I worked the entire week and Gabbie and our actor had things to do but we decided to set certain dates ahead to time so we can all plan ahead. We hope to do all the filming the 28th and the 29th of March. Now that we have a game plan we can do it much easier and get to the actual filming faster. We also divided certain things for each person to do like we need more fake organs to put in the jars so we each have to make 2 organs. Gabbie is going to make eyes and fingers, Thabata is going to make thee liver and the spleen, and I am going to make the kidney and intestines. Thabata is going to bring all the jars as well and I'm going to bring more flash lights and tissue paper we can wrap it around. I'm also going to either buy a disposable camera or take them on my phone and print them in office depot of different people that he 'kidnapped' for the scene where he has all the pictures hanging. Then I need to go to goodwill, a thrift shop, to buy clothes that can be stained and throw away but can still follow my costume design of feminine and delicate. Lastly I'm going to ask Thabata to buy another plastic table cloth for the table where he buts the heart not to get stained. There is a lot to do but the good thing is we have spring break right now so I have lots of time also when we are filming we can stay until late at night because we don't have to wake up early the next day. I will keep you updated on what I'm able to get this week!
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